Gold Class recognition is achieved when a shop completes all training requirements for their current roster. A shop maintains Gold Class recognition each year by continuing to complete annual training requirements.
What is the I-CAR Gold Class program?
I-CAR stands for the Inter-Industry Conference on Auto Collision Repair. It is a not-for-profit training organization that was founded in 1979 by collision repair leaders in order to create a set of standards for safe and accurate auto repairs. Auto shops with the Gold Class certification have been determined by I-CAR to meet those standards.
What does the Gold Class symbol mean?
If an auto collision repair shop carries the Gold Class symbol from I-CAR, it means that they do annual training for all their collision repair technicians to ensure that they have the up-to-date knowledge they need to repair the newest vehicles. This training must cover technicians who fill every role in the collision repair process, from estimating to refinishing.
Does the Gold Class symbol make a difference?
When you go to a collision repair shop that has been certified as Gold Class by I-CAR, it means that you can always expect to receive accurate repairs, even if you have a brand-new vehicle. Any shop that fails to do yearly training for its collision repair technicians will have the symbol revoked. If you want to make sure that your vehicle is always repaired safely and properly, be sure to look for the Gold Class symbol.
Our team at Suburban Autoworks has been serving the area for over 35 years, and we pride ourselves on keeping our repair services up to date from year to year. We’ve been an I-CAR Gold shop since 2000. If you’re in need of a dependable body shop for your vehicle collision repairs, you can always count on Suburban Autoworks.